VISUAL ARTIST: Suzanne Goldenberg / Before / Antes / Hostage Series


Suzanne Goldenberg



Asked to write about these drawings, I felt the need to revisit the script of Dog Day Afternoon.  On day 8, I identified with Sonny, the film hero trying to leverage funds for Sal’s operation. We’re taking hostages and we have demands

Now, day 31 of this plague, which reveals itself daily to be nothing short of a massacre, I see I had it all wrong. Before the pandemic, we thought we were free. And now we are missing our freedom. But we are not (were never) free. We thought we were the bandits/ bank robbers, but we are the hostages.



Before, 2020. Video. 1:05 minutes. Courtesy of the artist.


Antes, 2020. Video. 1:05 minutos. Courtesía de la artista.


Suzanne Goldenberg is an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and activist. She hosts the CRUSH reading series at  the Woodbine collective in Ridgewood, NY.  She is the author of HELP WANTED and her forthcoming book GOING PRO. Her work can be found at

Suzanne Goldenberg es una artista interdisciplinaria, educadora y activista. Ella organiza la serie de lectura CRUSH en el colectivo Woodbine en Ridgewood, NY.  Es la autora de HELP WANTED y su próximo libro se titula GOING PRO. Su trabajo puede verse en
